Sunday, February 26, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
OHHH How I Love to blog
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
D'oh Tagged again

I think this is how U do it .I believe I remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
Here are the questions:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was working at Gardenworld and waiting to see if I got into Uni living at home with Mum and Dad
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Working for Nicole and Looking after Mallory and Marcus. Living at Mum and Dad's On the weekend and Living at work through the week
Five snacks that you enjoy:
1. ANY DIPS...... Yummmo
2. Cheese and Semi Sun dried Tomarto
3. Potato Chips..... Yummmmmmmo
4. Ice-cream and Ice Magic
5. Gotta be a toss up between mums roast and Romano from Shanika's (actually I should Put that at Number one But cant be bothered Moving them all again ) LMAO
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics :
1. Dancing Queen ABBA
2. Most of the Beetles songs
3. OMG cant believe I am saying this But Celine Dion My heart will go on
4. Advance Australia Fare
5. Mind Blank ant think of any more But there are loads I should Put the Radio on !!
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Pay my house off.
2. Buy a new car
3. Pay off my mum and dad's Place.
4. Invest for my retirement
5. Go to Canada America and Alaska and then on the way home go and visit all My rellies in Europe .
Five bad habits:
1. Spending to much time on the internet
.2. Not being able to say NO to people
3. Not exercising enough.
4. Crying too easily
5. Caring too much about other people ahead of myself. (Jen I dittoed U Loads Here)
Five things you like doing:
1. Spending time with my family and friends.
2. Going On holidays.
3. Scrapbooking
4. Surfing the Net.
5. Shopping.
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:
1. A G-String
2. A size 10.
3. A bra without Underwire.
4.Bubble Gummer Jeans
5. A Bikini
Five favorite toys:
1. My Digital Camera - I love being able to experiment with it.
2. My computer/ internet/DVD burner  love it all - another ditto.
3. My scrapping stuff  all of it - and another ditto
4. My Bread Machine (I am Loving it sick at the Moment)
5. My new toaster with a count down timer ..It's's really cool and it takes aslong as My kettle does to boil if I have it set to 3 ... 1.29 ... LMAO I am so sure U needed to know that !!!
Five People I am tagging:
Cindy (right back at ya Hon) he he he he
Sharon (cause shhasn'tnt been tagged yet)
Wendy (cause I know she wont do it )
and that will do for Now
Just One that I whipped Up tonight

Thursday, February 09, 2006
SOOOOO tired
U know that tired when U cant sleep tired.
every Muscle in my body hurts.......
I had a long hot shower tonight and I am Just heading off to bed.
I am gonna have a very quiet weekend and catch up on some sleep I think
One more sleep till the weekend
have a great ONE !!!!
Just a few Pics
I had to photo shop this pic because I could see my self in Tara's glasses
I had to photo shop this pic because I could see my self in Tara's glasses
Love this pic I took of Trace and Zoe
My Spunk Rat
Zoe .... gosh how she has grown
Cute Pic of Zoe
Our School Boy
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Tagged again
1. First time you got kissed: Ummmmmm Will get back to U about that one !!!
2. First time you drove a car: With My driving instructor.... I had the hots for him so I had driving lessons from the time I was 16 and then he left 6 weeks b4 I got my license
3. First time you scrapbooked: With My friend Michelle Brown in 2000
4. First time you went on a date: Went out with I bloke I ment on the Net... Ekkkk gross I was 18
5. First time you fell in love: Big Crush on peter Clydesdale ... (OHHH WHAT did I c in him ) LMAO
6. First time you cooked for someone: No idea.... Mum always Had Us doing stuff in the kitchen from when we were little
7. First time you got on a plane: Went to my cousins wedding in 1988 in Adelaide with Dad Sam and Grandma. We flew Ansett!!!
8.First time you shaved your legs: OHHHH GOD... Sam getting so much trouble off mum for doing it. I remember getting sprung my mum sitting on the floor of sams Bedroom and sam was shaving my legs. I was 8
9. First time you put on make up: Something Sam would have done for me aswell But I cant remember how Old I was .
10. First time you moved out of your home: Ummm I worked away from Home for the past 3 years and then Bought my own place where I live now
I tag Sue, Wendy, Jenni H, Jodii, Raylene, Pam, Elissa Sue F, Jenni T, Debbie F and Jude
Friday Night Party Animal

This is Our newest Friday Night Party animal. Kiana... MATE this kid parties on. She doesn't Like to miss out on a thing. 8 weeks old and Loves hanging out with us all... Between us all we manage to hand her around enough for us all to get a bit of scrappin done. When she finally drifts off to sleep and we put her to bed... BANG she is awake.. We all don't mind as we all love having cuddles and lyn loves to chance to do some scrappin
Start of another week
I cant believe this weekend has gone already and work is here again...
It just goes way to quick
spent the day with dad today which was really cool. We mowed the lawn and just hung out chatting and doing stuff on the net. Then we went down to my unit to see if we could fix my washing Machine which we have our fingers crossed that we did... Came back home and Mum cooked a SCRUMMY roast dinner. Followed by a walk around the lake in Berwick springs Which was fab.
Had an ace day yesterday took some pics of Zoe, Matt and Tara with Wendys cam ... Then called into to her place to drop it off on my way Home. We ended up going to the beach and watching the sunset. This is a pic we got
so this weekend Just went to quick ... roll on next weekend
My latest Layouts
Hey there all Here are a few of my latest Layouts that I have done... I know I have used the same pic 3 times But I love it
This is some Foofala Paper I got for My birthday Off My friend Wendy... Thanks so Much Honey xoxox

Another one I cased off 2 peas with wendy's New Mambi papers

I cant seam to get the justifying of this right for some reason ... This is a LO using some Supplies from And Yes again it's that Picture that I love...

This is Marcus Jumping on the tramp at Gym.... This is Mod papers that I had in my stash and some Heidi swap Ghost letters

Funny story with this Layout... Wendy and I were at scraptacular Picking out my birthday prezzie and and I said to wendy I wanna case a LO I have on my laptop do U reckon it would be ok to go and get it so I could get the products I need. So I went and asked the lady at the counter if it would be ok and she said No probs..Went and got my lappy and found what I needed and then When I was doing the LO at home I turned the packet of Buttons over and there was the layout that I wanted to case on the back of the buttons.... It was so Funny cause I was embarrassed looking at my lappy in the middle of the shop...

This is Zoe and some old papers I had in my stash that I used