Thursday, February 09, 2006

SOOOOO tired

I'm stuffed
U know that tired when U cant sleep tired.
every Muscle in my body hurts.......
I had a long hot shower tonight and I am Just heading off to bed.
I am gonna have a very quiet weekend and catch up on some sleep I think

One more sleep till the weekend

have a great ONE !!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Awww...poor Rach. If you want to come soak in the spa you are more than welcome :)

7:38 AM  
Blogger Pam said...

Can totally relate Rach. AlthoughI slept like a log last night (how does a log sleep anyway?). I think I'm with you about the easy weekend idea. Have lots to do around the house but will spend my evenings and nights relaxing and heading to bed early.

1:09 PM  

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