Sunday, February 05, 2006

Tagged again

Thanks Cin ...... Tagged again !!!

1. First time you got kissed: Ummmmmm Will get back to U about that one !!!

2. First time you drove a car: With My driving instructor.... I had the hots for him so I had driving lessons from the time I was 16 and then he left 6 weeks b4 I got my license

3. First time you scrapbooked: With My friend Michelle Brown in 2000

4. First time you went on a date: Went out with I bloke I ment on the Net... Ekkkk gross I was 18

5. First time you fell in love: Big Crush on peter Clydesdale ... (OHHH WHAT did I c in him ) LMAO

6. First time you cooked for someone: No idea.... Mum always Had Us doing stuff in the kitchen from when we were little

7. First time you got on a plane: Went to my cousins wedding in 1988 in Adelaide with Dad Sam and Grandma. We flew Ansett!!!

8.First time you shaved your legs: OHHHH GOD... Sam getting so much trouble off mum for doing it. I remember getting sprung my mum sitting on the floor of sams Bedroom and sam was shaving my legs. I was 8
9. First time you put on make up: Something Sam would have done for me aswell But I cant remember how Old I was .

10. First time you moved out of your home: Ummm I worked away from Home for the past 3 years and then Bought my own place where I live now

I tag Sue, Wendy, Jenni H, Jodii, Raylene, Pam, Elissa Sue F, Jenni T, Debbie F and Jude


Blogger Pam said...

Geez, thanks Rach :)

10:47 PM  
Blogger DebF said...

gosh! thanks! LMAO
I'll get back to you . . .

8:07 PM  

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