Sunday, February 05, 2006

My latest Layouts

Hey there all Here are a few of my latest Layouts that I have done... I know I have used the same pic 3 times But I love it

This is some Foofala Paper I got for My birthday Off My friend Wendy... Thanks so Much Honey xoxox

Another one I cased off 2 peas with wendy's New Mambi papers

I cant seam to get the justifying of this right for some reason ... This is a LO using some Supplies from And Yes again it's that Picture that I love...

This is Marcus Jumping on the tramp at Gym.... This is Mod papers that I had in my stash and some Heidi swap Ghost letters

Funny story with this Layout... Wendy and I were at scraptacular Picking out my birthday prezzie and and I said to wendy I wanna case a LO I have on my laptop do U reckon it would be ok to go and get it so I could get the products I need. So I went and asked the lady at the counter if it would be ok and she said No probs..Went and got my lappy and found what I needed and then When I was doing the LO at home I turned the packet of Buttons over and there was the layout that I wanted to case on the back of the buttons.... It was so Funny cause I was embarrassed looking at my lappy in the middle of the shop...

This is Zoe and some old papers I had in my stash that I used


Blogger Unknown said...

GREAT LO's ! You HAVE been busy :) Well done !

8:05 AM  

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