Thursday, January 26, 2006

Thanks CFA

Friends of mine today Lost their shed 2 cars a ride on lane mower and a Years Supply of hay today.
I received a message off Sue this morning to say that her Hubby Yogi had been called out to a job in Hudsons lane where some of my friends live in koo wee. I went around there and called But couldn't find anything out... I mainly Just needed to know that they were all ok. After about 20 mins of phone calls driving around Kathy Jane and Ashley came over and we drove around there together to see what we could find out ... And Yes it was Lyn and James's place. The hey in the shed had combusted and caused the fire .
There were 9 fire trucks that turned up to put the fire out. I know its what these people do. But I couldn't get over the amount of people that had come from all over the communities in the area to help Via the CFA...
I know that this is what they do I had Just never really had Such first hand action with it. These People come out on a public holiday when it was 40c to help some one who needed it. And they do this every single day.
I had never really given it another thought But wow this is Just fantastic to see how great they wonderful volunteers are in OUR community
Blab blab blab Yeah I know
so Guess what I am trying to say is thanks to all of those volunteers that are out there at the moment fighting these terrible Bush fires that we have going on ...
U guys rock
and to Lyn and James thank god U are all ok ... U scared us all


Blogger Pam said...

I'm with you Rach. Thank God for volunteers in all areas of the community. The firies though, they are amazing. They actually put their lives on the line for's amazing.

Heard a little shit of a 16 year old started 3 fires in Kinglake yesterday....I wanna smack him so hard.

11:26 PM  
Blogger Rach Leeke said...

WTF ... a 16 yer old... bloody shit head....
what the hell would make U wanna do that .... I am so glad they got the bugger.
As for the firies... Well I marvel at what U do aswell how U do what U do every day for people u dont know...
SO thanks to all U guys aswell

11:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So glad to hear that Lynne and James and the baby are ok. And yes Rach, I agree, HUGE round of applause for the volunteers who do so much for our communities.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I think that every volunteer fire fighter should be awarded the Australian of the Year. It is amazing what these people do to protect the lives and property of others who they don't even know.....Imagine our world if everyone carried that spirit!!!

11:26 AM  

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