D'oh Tagged again

I think this is how U do it .I believe I remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
Here are the questions:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was working at Gardenworld and waiting to see if I got into Uni living at home with Mum and Dad
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Working for Nicole and Looking after Mallory and Marcus. Living at Mum and Dad's On the weekend and Living at work through the week
Five snacks that you enjoy:
1. ANY DIPS...... Yummmo
2. Cheese and Semi Sun dried Tomarto
3. Potato Chips..... Yummmmmmmo
4. Ice-cream and Ice Magic
5. Gotta be a toss up between mums roast and Romano from Shanika's (actually I should Put that at Number one But cant be bothered Moving them all again ) LMAO
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics :
1. Dancing Queen ABBA
2. Most of the Beetles songs
3. OMG cant believe I am saying this But Celine Dion My heart will go on
4. Advance Australia Fare
5. Mind Blank ant think of any more But there are loads I should Put the Radio on !!
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Pay my house off.
2. Buy a new car
3. Pay off my mum and dad's Place.
4. Invest for my retirement
5. Go to Canada America and Alaska and then on the way home go and visit all My rellies in Europe .
Five bad habits:
1. Spending to much time on the internet
.2. Not being able to say NO to people
3. Not exercising enough.
4. Crying too easily
5. Caring too much about other people ahead of myself. (Jen I dittoed U Loads Here)
Five things you like doing:
1. Spending time with my family and friends.
2. Going On holidays.
3. Scrapbooking
4. Surfing the Net.
5. Shopping.
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:
1. A G-String
2. A size 10.
3. A bra without Underwire.
4.Bubble Gummer Jeans
5. A Bikini
Five favorite toys:
1. My Digital Camera - I love being able to experiment with it.
2. My computer/ internet/DVD burner  love it all - another ditto.
3. My scrapping stuff  all of it - and another ditto
4. My Bread Machine (I am Loving it sick at the Moment)
5. My new toaster with a count down timer ..It's's really cool and it takes aslong as My kettle does to boil if I have it set to 3 ... 1.29 ... LMAO I am so sure U needed to know that !!!
Five People I am tagging:
Cindy (right back at ya Hon) he he he he
Sharon (cause shhasn'tnt been tagged yet)
Wendy (cause I know she wont do it )
and that will do for Now
I've already done this one, but I didn't tag you coz I thought you had about had enough LOL
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