OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I have so much going around in my head I don't know where to start today.
I got out of bed and announced this morning I am having a STAY at home day today .... "YEAH RIGHT" I can here my mum say ... U are never home all day on a Sunday
So I am gonna go and put some washing on ... (might need some clean clothes for work this week)
Have a shower, Finish off an email I started writing an hour ago and got distracted from.
Take a photo of my layout I did on Friday night (which I am pretty wrapped with)
and then.... I plan to sit here and work with some of the ideas I have floating around in my head....
My lappy died last week... (AGAIN) and I am buggered if I am gonna spend any more money on it getting it fixed.... I plan to wait until I get my tax dome and buy my self a new one... I feel like my right arm has been cut off... ( I miss it so much) Last night I grabbed the software I needed and installed it on mum and dads putta so I can at least do something on here...
OHHHHHHH and I got something to wear for the wedding ... wooo hooo and so did Mum ... Double woo hoo
And .... just to finish off.... (I am on mum and dad's Putta and looking through some of the pics I forgot I had taken ... I found this from Xmas last year...) This was out Xmas day lunch. Sam and Denis went out for lunch with Denis's family so there was the 4 of us. The night before we had Xmas dinner so this was our lunch. HOW good does it look??? (god U rock mum)

Right I am off while I am still all motivated, I will post a bit latter
R xoxox
Have a great day Rach! Don't forget to throw those dirty you know whats into the wash......You can't keep turning them inside out.
Hey Rach,
Hope you have a fantastic stay at home day, and get lots done! Looking forward to seeing the LO!! Your Christmas lunch looks yummo and so classy the way it is presented!! Hope you get your tax back soon, I got mine the other day - its going straight towards the extras for the extension (ie paving etc) lol, oh well, next year's.....
Jen H
Hope you manage to acheive everything you want to get done today :)
Chrissy lunch looks AWESOME !!
Hope to catch up with you soon
Hope you managed the clean clothes and catch up.
Looks like your house is the place to be for Chrissy lunch...yum!
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