Saturday, June 16, 2007

Slack Ass


Yep that's me... Slack blog poster....

I have been back from China for like bloody ages .... and Yep ... dear readers ... I have kept you waiting with baited breath for another blog post... Jen .... Cindy ...I can here U calling.... I just needed to get around to doing it...

Life has been so full on since the minute I stepped foot off the plane and haven't really had a chance to update my blog.... ( I know its not excuse ... it takes less than a few minutes to up date but i have also been suffering a bit of CBF at the same time) Sorry I do apologise ... But I am sure you all know where I am coming from here ...

OK ... so whats been going on ... Yep I had a change of country for a few weeks, and when I came home I had a change of Jobs as well.. ( more about that in a sec)
Just for a bit about China.... what an amazing experience....
Pam summed it up well on out way home...

It was a trip that Had some of the Biggest Highs and also some of the biggest lows of or traveling life.... (if that makes sense)

We did some of the most fabulous things while we were over there.. and we also had some Bloody shocking experiences as well..

It has so made me appreciate the way we live here

Over in China... Hmmmm communication to other counties I don't think is to high on their Priorities.... Courtney and I both bought a calling cards so we could call home... Yep U guessed it ... neither of them worked.... Internet... yeah well at the the Internet cafes they were so much fun.... Rooms fill with like 100 computers..... people smoking and.... YEP ... U couldn't read a bloody thing on the screens... they were all in Chinese so U kinda had to guess what you were doing... (gotta love it) and then ... we have our mobiles.... AHHHH yes... My mobile that is almost 99% of the time in my pocket... you see before I went away I set up international roaming on my phone... so I can text people back in Oz.... Yep I could text ... but I couldn't receive people's texts back to me after we left Beijing .... except for my Dad....

BUT OMG HISTORY... That place has so much history it blows my mind away. Australia is such a young country compared to China. It was like taking a huge history class for 2 weeks ... Bloody great. It took my breath away seeing the great wall, Knowing that we were walking on one of the 7 wonders of the world.

OHHH and then there's the Terracotta Warriors... SOOOOO cool .... and was totally fascinating on how they found these amazing sculptures.... which they are still excavating ..

Man I could Just keep going with all of the Great things we did and saw..... But I need pics to go with it all .

(over time I will post some more pics of our fantastic trip) All my pics are on a separate drive and I cant be bothered getting all that hooked up ... LMAO sorry I will latter

I think back now and I can't believe I actually got to do all of what I have just done. How lucky am I !!

Princess... and Mini Prinny..... Thanks so much for a fantastic trip.... xooxoxoxooxoxox

OK now for work.... and my new job...

I am Now working with one of my Best friend's Kathy Smith in her Business Remember When Paper Company...

If you are a regular reader of my blog (snigger snigger yeah I am talking when I actually update it) you would probably already know that for the last few years Remember When has been a big part of my life... I have Loved working with Kathy OUTTA hours just helping out I guess... and when she asked me to come on board and work full time with her ... It was like a dream come true!!!! SO Yeah I have been busy learning all the different aspects of what my new job will involve... and for the first time in like EVER I think .... I love coming to work in the morning... There is a maccas on the way ... where they do a great macca's coffee.... (just what U need for on a bloody freezing morning.... I just wish they sold V.... ) and I wave to all the traffic on the other side of the road as I cruise down to Bayles TRAFFIC Free .... "LOVIN IT SICK"

Although I miss the lunching out with the Canterbury girl's my bank balance doesn't miss it at all. I have to bring my lunch every day because U have to drive like 7km's to the nearest bakery... I have got into some sort of a routine of making myself a pretty healthy lunch .... Usually a salad roll or sandwich... Its bloody Great!!!

A few weeks ago we had another getaway where we raised over $3000 for very Special kids. These weekends are so good for the soul. So much laughing and we even did a little bit of scrapping... and there are so many stories to tell... But what happens on the getaway stays on the getaway ... so sorry girls.... I cant tell you what went on !!!!! he he he he he

I have attached my layouts of what I did below (see I do scrap) LMAO
with all of these layouts I have used laser cuts fro Remember When

We are coming out with new laser cuts all the time .... So if you haven't already Sign up to our blog or our newsletter to keep your self up to date with all out news....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is really weird Rach.... I check your blog at least every 2nd day (dont know why lolol!!) but this "Slack Ass" post didnt show up until today (Sunday 1 July!!!!!) so thats why I hadnt commented befroe now!!
Anyway - yes please - do keep blogging coz that way I can kinda stay in touch a little bit with whats happening with you! Whats CBF btw? Sounds like you are having an ACE time at RW which is fantastic - you DESERVE to be happy! Love all the LO's and LOVE the Laser cut you did for me - will scrap it next weekend...
Jen H

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, Jen, you don't want to know what CBF'd is.
It's about bloody time Rach. I'd given up hope of ever seeing another post.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Jodii said...

about time you bloody updated your blog you slacker. I would leave comments if you ever bothered to update it regularly

9:16 PM  

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