WOW 4 days off ... How bloody GREAT was that...
I have had the coolest 4 days. I spent a lot of it hanging out with Mum and Dad... Much to their excitement... We spent Friday doing YUCKY jobs.... But the Yuk jobs that has made my mum one happy lady... was cool just hanging out ... and Friday night I watched Love Actually With My friend Lyn ... and Her Partner (who slept Snoring his head off for the whole movie) people who can sleep anywhere Shit the hell outta me .... It takes me for ever to get to sleep some times... I am just totally Jealous... LMAO
Then on Sunday and Today Hung out at Lyn's place again .... had fun Just bumming around and doing Farm stuff...
Was Just one of those weekends when U look back and thing ... Gee that was fun ...
I have Just 9 more working days left of work ...... YEP 9 that's it ... and I cant wait ... I don't know whether it because I know I only have a little bit to go ... But I just don't wanna go any more. I have lots going on in my mind (which isn't where it should be) and I cant seam to focus on anything .
OK ... so now for an update on my NEW JOB ....
Man I am so excited I am nearly busting at the seams....
I have Just spent the Evening talking with my "NEW BOSS" about different things which will be apart of my job, and it has got me totally motivated and I just cant wait to start.... Kinda wish it was happening sooner. But because of my Trip to China and My other work commitments.... I am just gonna have to WAIT.
OK so what exactly is my new Job ????
he he READ THIS .....
How cool is that ... ME ....working at Remember When
ME .... Retail Manager... woo hoo
Yep that's me I am starting work With my good friend Kathy at Remember When Scrapbooking . And if you haven't guessed I am totally over the moon, and as I said B4 ... I cant wait. It's Kinda a dream come true for me and it's giving me a chance to dust off a few career goals I have had for myself... as well as working in the industry of my Hobby which I am passionate about.
Rock on mid May
(OH and Sam ... I am getting there I promise) (Just need some time to actually figure out how I am gonna do it all ... Lov ya babe!!!)
I have had the coolest 4 days. I spent a lot of it hanging out with Mum and Dad... Much to their excitement... We spent Friday doing YUCKY jobs.... But the Yuk jobs that has made my mum one happy lady... was cool just hanging out ... and Friday night I watched Love Actually With My friend Lyn ... and Her Partner (who slept Snoring his head off for the whole movie) people who can sleep anywhere Shit the hell outta me .... It takes me for ever to get to sleep some times... I am just totally Jealous... LMAO
Then on Sunday and Today Hung out at Lyn's place again .... had fun Just bumming around and doing Farm stuff...
Was Just one of those weekends when U look back and thing ... Gee that was fun ...
I have Just 9 more working days left of work ...... YEP 9 that's it ... and I cant wait ... I don't know whether it because I know I only have a little bit to go ... But I just don't wanna go any more. I have lots going on in my mind (which isn't where it should be) and I cant seam to focus on anything .
OK ... so now for an update on my NEW JOB ....
Man I am so excited I am nearly busting at the seams....
I have Just spent the Evening talking with my "NEW BOSS" about different things which will be apart of my job, and it has got me totally motivated and I just cant wait to start.... Kinda wish it was happening sooner. But because of my Trip to China and My other work commitments.... I am just gonna have to WAIT.
OK so what exactly is my new Job ????
he he READ THIS .....
How cool is that ... ME ....working at Remember When
ME .... Retail Manager... woo hoo
Yep that's me I am starting work With my good friend Kathy at Remember When Scrapbooking . And if you haven't guessed I am totally over the moon, and as I said B4 ... I cant wait. It's Kinda a dream come true for me and it's giving me a chance to dust off a few career goals I have had for myself... as well as working in the industry of my Hobby which I am passionate about.
Rock on mid May
(OH and Sam ... I am getting there I promise) (Just need some time to actually figure out how I am gonna do it all ... Lov ya babe!!!)
Well I bet THAT is a load off your chest !! You're gonna be GREAT in this new job, and you're gonna have so much fun ! :)
CONGRATULATIONS RACH - YOU WILL HAVE A BALL WORKING AT RW!!!!! Will you get any work done tho??? lolol!!
I am SOOOOO HAPPY for you - you really deserve to be there!!
Jen H
WOW Rach congratulations on the new job, that is just fantastic news
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