Friday, December 29, 2006


This is an entry of crap outta my head so please excuse if its a bit all over the place... I am Just typing sorta what ever comes...

Man I don't know what has come over me this year But I just haven't been in the Xmas spirit. and that's Just SO not like me. Its like 3 months of Fricken Hype... we spend 2 much Cash, eat to much food to make our ass size increase yet more inches it doesn't need to ... FOR what really?? I don't get it. I don't get Why I am being so Philosophical about it this Xmas period either.. I used to Love Xmas so much I couldn't wait ... I would have everything all planned and and be so excited about it all, and this year I have really struggled with the shopping side of things... Big time!!! I have found the shops so overwhelming It seams like Xmas has been going on for months. I found myself in a coffee shop in tears writing lists to try and sort it all out ...I was wondering around and just couldn't get my head around it. IT was driving me INSANE. I don't seam to have a problem at all helping other people with their shopping but when it came to my own I just couldn't handle it.

You Know the thing I was looking forward to the most this Xmas was having more than a few days off work. Time to kick back and Just enjoy each day.

I so don't get why I am like it this year. I was on the phone to my sister on Xmas eve and she said to me " I AM SO EXCITED I couldn't sleep last night." SO here we have a HUGE case of Role reversal cause I used to be like that and I wish I was again .....

I think this Bugged my mum a bit cause she was trying hard to snap me out of it... It not like I was sad Or upset JUST didn't have the spirit thing happening (IUKWIM)
She took me out for coffee Xmas eve which was ace. Since I have moved home I Haven't really been there and it was like Old friends catching Up ... we chatted and Laughed and carried on like old girlfriends who haven't seen each other for ages ... (weird for someone who U live with isn't it ) LMAO. We talked about her plans for the next 24 hours so we were all sorta on the same wave length ... It was fantastic

SO How did it all pan out????
Well Xmas eve was had Sam, Denis and Grandma over for Xmas dinner. It was Lovely. It was the first time ever we have Had a roast on Xmas eve. Sam and D weren't going to be with us from 10 am on Xmas day so we had our roast the night before. Yummy roast turkey and veggies Followed By an HUGE choice of Deserts. Mum Loved it because she didn't have to prepare a roast on Xmas day.

Then we watched a movie and all went to bed. Sam was the first Up in the morning Followed By the rest of Us dragging our selves outta bed. We Opened Prezzies and then Sam and D went to have Xmas Lunch with D's fam.

We Had the Yummiest platter for lunch and spent the evening at my Aunties House.. ALL in all a very pleasant day. But I still had that Xmas spirit NOT there .. Hopefully will be back for the next silly season...

On the up side I am having a great time on my holidays. I think I have had a NANNA nap every day. I have been sleeping in WAY more than I usually would. My average get up time is at least 9.30... My latest being 1:30... and I only woke up Because I was woke up ... LMAO LAZZZZZYYY BUM
But really needed.

K I am gonna publish this post and do another one with a catch up on my life

Thanks for listening to my SOOKY LA LA



Blogger Unknown said...

I think someone has been going round whacking us all with the 'Bah Humbug Stick' coz I am EXACTLY the same. We didn't put the tree up. I took a couple of photos, but that was it (and it's Kade's first Christmas). I was so over the whole Chrissy thing before it even started, and I couldn't care less...

So, I sympathise with you *hug*

2:29 PM  

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