Sunday, October 22, 2006

Fat chick Shoppin

Right I have $100 for me to go and make My self look Half decent to be seen out in public next weekend
I am off to F/gate to go shopping for fat chick's clothes

Something which I DREAD,,,,
Last time I went shopping I had a Cool friend with me that Told me what she thought of what I was trying on ...
Now... Gotta do it on my own .. YUCK I HATE shopping for clothes. I mean seriously ...
Some of the clothes that are designed for bigger people are JUST horrible....
looking in Kmart the other day I cant imagine Myself wearing any of the clothes that are in there at the moment ... the same as target YUCK YUCK YUCK

Most of the new Summer range is all Singlet tops... I hate my arms and don't wanna be going flashing them off to the world ... Or Fricken Floarly tent sized fricken fugly dresses that would Suit my bloody great grandmother. EKKKKKK

Is it just me that looks at Shopping for larger people this way ???? Or do other people feel it aswell ?

Yuck makes Me depressed just thinking about it. Its Yuck isn't it ... Not only is our weight an issue But there is no mid ranged priced Nice looking clothes out there to make us feel half decent about the way we look.

Am I just looking in the wrong bloody places....

Kmart Target 16-26 Big city chick Nothing ... and Myer and My size and creeping up outta my price range... But still not alot there that turns me on either. I wonder if it just me not liking the fashions that are around at the moment.I dunno ?????????????????????

So I am off to Pack My hand bag and head to F/gate and c What goodies I can come Up with.

I will post when I am back to let ya know How I went

Please Post a comment I would Lov to know what everyone else thinks about this ... is it Just me and the way I perceive our clothing Industry or.... the clothing industry ???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rach I hope you had some luck finding something...and I hear you, I know I've lost some weight but I still look at the big clothes and cringe....why do fat chics want to buy WHITE PANTS it makes me so mad...Like any women wants to highlight that they have a BIG BUTT...and yeap when you're in your 20's you don't want to dress like your nana! I hear you girl and I am thankful that I lost some weight so I don't quite have the those same feelings as you, I know I was there not that long ago!

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey rach :o))
fat chick clothes SUCK don't they!!!! if it's not nanna florals then the designers / manufacturors think we all must be 6 foot tall or just because we are large must mean we have BIG boobs too!! i'm sooo hating the lack of decent fashions available this season!!
I will be attending VSK w/e too so will be great to 'really' say hi!!
cheers, jody xx

8:57 PM  
Blogger PADJPH said...

Hi Rach, I KNOWWWWWWWW what you mean - (although the one difference with me is that I DO wear SINGLETS coz I get so hot and I wanna be comfortable so I just dont CARE what other people think of my arms iykwim - TOUGH BIKKIES to THEM - I SAY!! ) BUT as for other clothes - I HEAR YA!!!!! Especially DRESSES - there seems to be only the Nana tents out there this year! And sometimes I would just like a nice dress to wear - say for Christmas Day or something - agghhhhh!! It seems to be that every 2nd year the larger clothes are just AWFUL (in the likes of Kmart, Big W, Target etc anyway) ANYWAY I really hope you found something you like and that you had a GREAT day!! xoxoxo Jen

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rach, I detest shopping for clothes. I am a size 14-16 and I truly believe that if you aren't a stick figure with gorgeous arms and legs, the fashion industry don't believe you should be on show and that's why they provide such shitty fashions for us.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hun, I feel EXACTLY the same way about clothes shopping and always have !

7:37 AM  

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