Sunday, October 15, 2006

Positive thought for the day

OK I am on a mission to change my way of thinking
Y ? This is my blog right??? My online diary .. so sorry if any of U find this boring ... But I wanna keep a journal of at least 3 things that has made me happy each day
I have Been reading Clean and simple 2 book By Cathy z... and that is something that she has done in there so I thought I would do it on here
so for today ... what are 3 things so far that have made me happy?

1. Walking around the market By my self and watching the way different people interact with each other. seeing all the new in seasons fresh fruit and veggies, and all the yummy country home made foods around

2. Cheering my grandma Up after hearing of the death of my uncle.

3. having Robbie Williams on the surround sound in the lounge and His YUMMY face on the HUGE screen... WOOF that boy really does it for me

SO what are the 3 things that made U happy ... I challenge any one who reads this ... to complete this every day. I have had 2 man bad days lately and time I looked at all the good stuff .. SO come on join in

rach xoxoxo


Blogger Pam said...

Great idea Rach. I'll do it too. Maybe if I start off with a promise of at least 1 good thing each day and work up from there. How did the BBQ go?

11:10 PM  

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