Just one of them days
I can help it... It just one of them days
I am really sad ... everything is making me burst into tears
I was balling before I left for work
Had a really bad day at work
came home grumpy
and pretty much balled my eyes out for an hour when I got home
I know this will pass but I am just feeling sad and sorry for my self
feel like I am crap at everything and no good to any one not only am I an embaresment to my self but everyone around me aswell.
I know everyone has times where they feel like this... and yeah well today is my turn
I wanna crawl into my box and hide for a bit
just until i get over all the crazy shit that seams to be going on in my head at the moment.
Hopefully tommorrow is a brighter and sunny day in my world and I will be the happy me again
but for today I am just gonna me a grumpy bum
(god do I sound Hormonal Oh what ) geez... LMAO
Thanks for listening
I am taking my grumpy ass off to bed
Night all
I am really sad ... everything is making me burst into tears
I was balling before I left for work
Had a really bad day at work
came home grumpy
and pretty much balled my eyes out for an hour when I got home
I know this will pass but I am just feeling sad and sorry for my self
feel like I am crap at everything and no good to any one not only am I an embaresment to my self but everyone around me aswell.
I know everyone has times where they feel like this... and yeah well today is my turn
I wanna crawl into my box and hide for a bit
just until i get over all the crazy shit that seams to be going on in my head at the moment.
Hopefully tommorrow is a brighter and sunny day in my world and I will be the happy me again
but for today I am just gonna me a grumpy bum
(god do I sound Hormonal Oh what ) geez... LMAO
Thanks for listening
I am taking my grumpy ass off to bed
Night all
Love ya heaps. Hope the sun is shining brightly for you tomorrow. Hang in there.
Rach, you are so giving to everyone else in their time of need, don't forget to lean on us when you need to. Love ya.
I agree with Pam. And let yourself be grumpy, you probably need it.
Love ya !
hey girl you are good at heaps of stuff little miss professional photographer!
stomp and be grumpy if you need to be (i'd be lost without my internet too btw)
where are you grumpy bum - i am missing ya posts. Hope you are feeling more happy :)
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