Sunday, August 20, 2006

back from the land of No CYBER

welll hello all of U

It's need a sad week of No cyber for rach ...
Now along with my camera Dying
My laptop did aswell
But thank god for my dad ... My knight in shining armor
Racing Up and sweeping my lappy away to the lappy drs to get fixed... Another $160
But now I have It back in my hot little hands
I have been Bouncing emails and thanks to a chatty Yahoo group I am on ...
so now all I need is My camera Back and I will be one happy person

Let U into a secret...
5 more days Until the weekend... and I will actually get to sleep in MY bed this weekend How cool is that

It the end of the weekend Now and I am so stuffed ..... Somehow dosnt work does it .... Busy weekend and busy week

Will type more tommorrow
I am stuffed and I neeeeeeed sleep
I have Loads of cool pics to share with U al after My cam course last weekend
Night xoxox


Blogger Unknown said...

Bugger about your lappy ! Yayy to Dad for saving the day :) Cna't wait to see your pics.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmmm think it's time for a new post Rach! I am missing your bloggin baby :)

9:49 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

I'm with Claire. Time for a new post Rach. NOW!!!!!!!

10:07 AM  

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