Happy Birthday LYN
I hope U had an ace night darlin ... we all had a ball

WOW what a night
It was great ... It was full of loads of laughs, lots of undrunken behavior and way to many photos.

I did something’s tonight I would rather forget ... but I think Pam has the evidence not to let me for get it.... (PHOTO IS ATTACHED BELOW)
AND YEAH WELL ALEX IF YOU ARE READING THIS U can see what ya girl gets up to while U were away. One to many jelly beans for her . Lucky the girls were there to carry her back to the car. She fell asleep waiting for your phone call
She was PISSED.. Absolutly Bloto. sShe brank that whole jellybean drink to her self (and no matter what she says... its allllllll true) Just lucky I was there to drive her home ...
and ME well I had a few things to answer for my self ... Pic attached below
I hope U had an ace night darlin ... we all had a ball

WOW what a night
It was great ... It was full of loads of laughs, lots of undrunken behavior and way to many photos.

I did something’s tonight I would rather forget ... but I think Pam has the evidence not to let me for get it.... (PHOTO IS ATTACHED BELOW)
AND YEAH WELL ALEX IF YOU ARE READING THIS U can see what ya girl gets up to while U were away. One to many jelly beans for her . Lucky the girls were there to carry her back to the car. She fell asleep waiting for your phone call
She was PISSED.. Absolutly Bloto. sShe brank that whole jellybean drink to her self (and no matter what she says... its allllllll true) Just lucky I was there to drive her home ...
and ME well I had a few things to answer for my self ... Pic attached below

Totally untrue Alex. It was raspberry lemonade and I couldn't drink much of it because I'd already had 3 glasses before the monster came out...LOL
Rach you are too wicked. Naughty girl. Good staged photos though - I really do look drunk LOL
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