Monday, July 17, 2006

I need to share something

I need to share something that happened to me last week.
Something which I am still trying to figure out sorta why.
Many of U know I have chopped and changed jobs a bit out the past few months and I have just been made full time at work and I have had issues co-ordinating loan payments and changing to monthly wages. So when I got a confirmation asking for payment for a course I have wanted to do since my friend Pam did it a year ago I was disappointed that I couldn’t do it this time around ... But hey shit happens right... I told Pam about it ... and thought No more of it...

Then last week after a BLAH day at work I came home and there was a card on the counter.. and I recognised the writing... I opened it and out fell a copy of the enrolment form for the MCC and it had been paid in Full .. OMG Girls I cant believe U guys...

HONESTLY thank U from the bottom of my heart...
OMG girls
I am still totally overwhelmed by all of your generosity

I got my COMF email last night from the MCC and I am Just ecstatic to be doing this ... Not only am I doing this to help me with my knowledge on how to use My camera But I am going into a new environment with new people who I don’t know .. And new challenges along the way.. And U know what I can’t wait for all of it

I lov U all so much
and thanks again
And Pam thanks for putting so much effort into organising this for me

R xoxox


Blogger Wendy said...

Go for it Rach and have a ball along the way!

11:50 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

We love ya Rach and were all happy to give you the opportunity that you deserve. Have a bloody fantastic time.

11:56 PM  
Blogger Jodii said...

Thats fantastic Rach and guess what, i will see you there too

4:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hun, you DESERVE the wonderful friends that you have ! What a sweet thing for them to do for you. Have a great time at your course.

7:03 PM  

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