Monday, March 13, 2006

March Stitches

Well march stiches and craft is over for another year. I worked for a friend of mine Kathy representing her store Remember When Scrapbooking. Although they are really long days and U are on your feet all day we end up having a ball. We laughed loads and well like all the shows I go to with her ... Were the life of the 3rd floor. All the other store holders think we are all a lot of fun and seam to enjoy joining in on it

There were a few funny things that happened over the few days RW was at the show ... One day when I wasn't there Kathy was eating her lunch of Dip and Bickies (U know the ones that Have some Cheese on one side and 3 bickies) and she had one left sitting on a chair and she walked off to do something ... and turned around and there was a customer helping her self to her Kathys Lunch ... When Kathy asked her what she was doing her reply was "Oh I thought they were for everyone" Kathys response "Ummmm NO that's My BLOODY LUNCH" he he he ... Very funny !!!

Then on sat on the way home from the show ... it had got to Happy hour where we were both stuffed and in a very funny giggly mood..... We stopped and picked up some dinner and then got in the car. Kathy put the car into gear and took the handbreak off and we started moving backwards and I was looking at here trying to figure out if she had actually figured out what she was doing... And I said to her ... Ummmm Kathy U are ment to put the key in the Ignition aswell..... ( she still had the keys in her hand and couldn't figure out why the car wasn't going back like it should do).... TRY STARTING THE ENGINE would be a good help !!!!!!.......WELL Ohhhhh my god... Did we loose it or what... We were both wetting our selves laughing.... It was soooo funny... I think more so cause we were tired BUT... Boy we laughed...

was great to catch a few people in blog land that I haven't seen for ages... Sorry that I didn't have time to stand around and chat for a bit longer :D


Blogger Jodii said...

Sounds like you had a great time at the show Rach

8:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you guys had a good time, and sorry that I missed it :( Oh well, I should be at the next show -- albeit with a little baby in tow ! YAYYY

7:40 AM  

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