Well I am in a feral Mood ... I have had a really shitful day ... And yeah I know its nearly midnight and I should be fast asleep but I think I am Just to pissed off... ( sorry if my swearing offends U but I am Just having one of those days so if it does well its up to U if you keep reading because that's the type of mood I am in)
I have been feelin Yuck for a few weeks... Dunno what it is ... Just really run down ... and over the weekend it went to my chest... and it has made it hard to go to work this week. Its a really long day as it is but feeling a little run down makes getting outta bed worse. I knew I should have stayed in bed as soon as I woke up this morning
any way I get to work all is fine..... but the kids are busy kids....... full on kids .... Along with my kids I get the older kids .... plus 2 2 year olds some schoolie kids... and ONE very crabby rach makes for a bad combination.
I am relieved for my lunch break to witch I loose it at the reliever ... Loose it, as in I totally cracked it with her.... Then gather my self together over lunch and walk back in the room to which she said well I would quit if I had to spend more than an hour in here aswell... Hmmm made me really confidant to continue my day.....
and My day didn't get better ..........
so I am gonna shut my lappy and see if I can sleep off my grumpy ass and have a better day in the morning
heres hoping
thanks for listening
ugh Rach hope your day today is much much better! I must admit that i don't know how people cope with a big room full of kids - my 3 is enough for me!
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