Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Wow long time no blog

Hey there all
Long time no blog.
And really there are some reasons for it.
1. I am a lazy cow
2. I am a lazy cow
3. I have had a busy few months and had trouble keeping up with the world
and on a more serious note
4. There have been a few people out in blog land that have been using there blog as a bitchy place I really needed to have a think about weather or not I wanted to be apart of this blog land place. Totally understand that it is a personal blog and everyone is totally free to talk about what they want on their own blogs but I just don't think that it's the right place to be vindictive and spiteful about someone when you choose to avoid personally dealing with issues. Just my opinion and I have since decided that I want to do this for myself and as a journal of my life and to keep people up to date with what's going on in my life so sorry you are stuck with me (and that's all I have to say about that ... )

welllllll so much to catch up on
well first off I would like to welcome a few people to this world
1st off
AVA Katrina.... Welcome to the world little one. The long await arrival off Ava finally happened on the 29th of May weighing in at 7lb 10 oz.... And she is Just perfect... Unfortunately I have been sick so haven't been able to see her yet ... Hopefully this weekend I will make it over their way.

Next I would also like to welcome another long awaited bub to the world
Kade ....
My great friend Cindy and Elliot have just welcome Kade into their family ... congrats Guys I cant get onto you blog to get any pics ... so as soon as there is on Up I will post it on my blog
Next on my list

I would Like to welcome Sandy Kate.... Grand child to the lady I work with Sandra.. SO great to finally here this baby has been born... She is Just a stunner... Congrats Dean and Jess

And last But not least I would like to welcome
Hanna Grace .... Born on Sunday to Kath and Rob ...
I work with Kath ... Stay tune for the pics....

K what else has been happening
I started a new job a few months ago and I am enjoying it
I am finding it really challenging but slowly I am gaining more confidence and starting to enjoy it . Had loads of fun a few weeks ago going to the Melbourne Camera club an did a Photo shoot in a proper studio with models and loads of people giving advice on
It was so much fun and I learnt to be able to move away from the green square on my camera ...Into the land of the manual modes .. wooo hooo

what else has happened
Sam and Denis Finally Bought a house and it is Just wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to cool ... Check it out


cant wait for a hot day to go for a swim .... Sam and D have been trying for months to Buy a house and finally .... Here it is ...
congrat guys .. Its Just so Darn exciting

Having troubble uploading the pics so will upload some more tommorrow night
I need some sleep to catch Up after the weekend
Thanks for reading

Rach xoxox


Blogger Pam said...

Glad to finally see you back Rach. I'm with you on dealing with private issues in person and not venting under the guise of anonymity. It can be a bit disheartening.

Lots of bubs your way. I can see your camera will be getting a good workout. Can't wait to see the pics.

12:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

THERE you are ! Hope you are feeling much better now darlin'.

CONGRATS to Sam and Denis on the new house :)

Thanks for the welcome for Kade. My blog is back up now...not sure what happened to it ?? We can't wait for you to come visit :)

Speak to you soon xoxo

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there HONEY long time since I have had a look @ your 'BLOG" wow great news all round!!what a very cute baby great news about Sam and Denis what a picture pefect home I love it!!!I will catch up soon take care love melxoxoxo

10:57 AM  

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