Sunday, July 02, 2006

3 girls and a lttle guy in the city

One night a few weeks ago I met up with Pam, Jodii and Ryder in the city. Can U just imagine it . We all had our cameras, and Melbourne put on the perfect wheather for us. Well we were all snap happy.. I reckon between us we would have taken over 500 pics. The idea of the night was to learn how to use our manual settings on our camera at night. I think we all learnt alot that night.
Here is a picture Ryder took of the 3 of us. Boy does this kid know how to hold a camera properly. Not only has he help the camera still, we were all perfectly centered in the shot and it was in manual mode. Go Ryder ... I can see you are following in your mums foot steps.

Thanks Guys for an ace night, I learnt so much off you both!!


Blogger Pam said...

OMG Rach, Can't believe you put that pic in public ROFL. He is a very clever dude though.

It was a great night. We'll have to do it again soon and hope the weather is just as perfect.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Jodii said...

yes rach it was a great night, i learnt heaps too. Ryder wants a camera from santa for christmas. I think he has a good eye

9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds liike a fun night Rach and a good title for a movie, ROLF.

ROLF Jodii, does he want a digi SLR - that might be stretching the bank a bit! Cool present (cheaper camera though) - might hold off on getting Josh excited though :)

2:53 PM  

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