Why do you think we question every little thing that we do? How come we cant belive in our own abbilities and turst what is really deep down in your heart?
Why do we dwell and stew over stupid things that really should just come naturally and easy?
I regulally drive my self insaine doing stuff like this. I lay awake in bed at night and kicking my self up for shit that really should be normal every day stuff...
MAN why do we do this to our selves?
I really wish some times ... in a work of a very good friend "JUST GET OVER IT "
AH shit I hate it when I have moments like this ... to man bloody late nights I think LMAO
Why do we dwell and stew over stupid things that really should just come naturally and easy?
I regulally drive my self insaine doing stuff like this. I lay awake in bed at night and kicking my self up for shit that really should be normal every day stuff...
MAN why do we do this to our selves?
I really wish some times ... in a work of a very good friend "JUST GET OVER IT "
AH shit I hate it when I have moments like this ... to man bloody late nights I think LMAO
I SO hear you Rach. I do the same thing. Analyse and reanalyse everything. It isn't healthy or productive I've found. I really have to concentrate and force myself out of it. Sleep is a good remedy too I think. Hope it all sorts out for you
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