Monday, July 24, 2006

SOME People Just rock

I just wanna say ... I have some people in my life that just rock .
these people are there to laugh with ...
There to cry with
there to be mind blowingly stuipid with (if thats a word )
we lift each other up when we are down
we seam to push each other to move outta our comfort zones... even when we dont want to!! ...
these People just seam to stand by me no matter what ... they do things that make me think I might just be able to aim a little higher ... and belive in my self a bit more
I totally Lov you dearly ...
with out you My life wouldnt be what it is and I wouldnt even be able to think some things just might one day be possible



Blogger Wendy said...

I am so fortunate to have you in my life too Rach. You are one very special person and don't ever forget it. XOXO

11:29 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

You know Rach that any one of those people you are referring to could say the exact same thing about your place in their lives. I guess that it what is so wonderful about the circle of friendship that we share. Love ya.

11:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

They say "to have a friend you need to be one".

If your friends are like that Rach, then you must also be too (and you are). As I have said before, you DESERVE the wonderful friends you have.


5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We luvya too Rach xxx

11:27 PM  

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