Life has just been moving at an Unbelievable pace at the moment. Can you believe I actually stayed at my unit for two while days last weekend and was pretty cool.
I spent Friday night scrappin with some pretty cool scrappin chicks... having way to much chochie and Lots and lots of laughs.
and not enough scrappin done... he he he he (from me any way)
So really what else has been going on
Well I have completed my 6 weeks in my camera course... and wow what a six weeks it was. I learnt so much . I was also Very lucky to be able to have the Use of my Dear friend Wendy's 300d for the first few weeks and then My friends partner Alex 300d for the last location shot. Thank U Both so much ... I am so grateful to U both. Also while I was in koowee I was lucky enough to use Lyn's camera for a shoot I did aswell.
Hopefully within the next week I will have my cam back in my hands.... for a week or so anyway before it is whisked away to New Zealand By mum and dad..
At the end of the camera course the instructors Critique 2 of your photos which you have taken over the period of the course.
I went through all of my Pics and Picked out two of the photos attached below.

The idea was that they would talk about the good points in the pics and offer some advice on any points that would need Improving. Any way he looked at the first Pic and said Usually U would really need to take cause of Photographing the sun shining on the water like that But U have done a fantastic Job of this pic the sun reflects off the water really well. I had great depth of Field and it was a top shot ... wooo hoo party on baby ... then He took a look at the 2nd one and said the only thing I can offer on this one is there is a dark space in the left crn Up there and U might wanna cut that down a little But U have made it work really well... and another fantastic shot well done ...
SOOOOOOOOOO excited .. a professional dude said that about my stuff.. how way cool is that
so I just wanted to say thanks again to the coolest friends ever for doing what U did for me I lov ya's all xoxooxox
sooo much other stuff has been going on around here I have to think back to what it is UMMM
WORK WORK WORK .. he he he he
Scrap scrap scrap
not enough sleep
OHHH there was some big news But that deserves its own post
I Also got to meet Buby AVA during the cam course... this is a pic sammy sent to me
Wendy this is for U

Stay tuned for another post VERY soon Promise I wont leave it aslong
Rach xoxox
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