Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I am In a foul mood

I am in a stamp my feet throw my self on the floor and have a big tanty kinda mood
My sis has been asking me for a while to help her with her engagement invites
I started (SAM I really did)
and with other stuff that I have been doing it has sorta gone to the back burner a little
Any way I was motivated to do it tonight and I have a clean plate
so I go in and try to open the file...

The bloody thing is corrupt

so now I have to start it all again



Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear you are in a foul mood but BLOODY ACE you are back bloggin again baby :) :)

4:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


8:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

FINALLY !! I tried to post FIVE times the other day and it wouldn't let me....grrr...can't remember what I was gonna say, so HI !! *waves*

8:39 AM  

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