Monday, October 16, 2006

DAY 2....

OK ... I am kicking my self for starting this now Cause I have had a really BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD day ... But suppose this is the point .. To look at what is good in my day right ...

1. Phone call off a friend at work that I haven't seen for months .. Saying come and have lunch with me... OH was cool to catch up I haven't seen her for ages... VERY cool

2. an email off my friend Just COZ... amongst all the crap coming through my inbox a work .. was sorta like sun shining .. and totally made me smile

3. Greys anatomy is on tonight

I nearly lost it at work today ... Upset I mean ... But I know that its just not me under this pressure ... its so hard at the moment.. we seam to have had at least someone away every for the past few weeks... the other day we had 6 people away .. and It just gets to much ... not just for me but for all of us. But boy is it pressing all of our buttons at the moment ... OHH YES

so here's to a better day tomorrow
lets hope I can get some work done and not just fixing issues all the time

woo hooo gonna go and have a shower.. ready for greys on tonight

Lov ya's all


Blogger PADJPH said...

Hi Rach, I have worked out how to leave comments on other peoples BLOGS so I thought I would sign up for a "google name" so I can "chat" on yours too!

I HOPE that your days improve and that people from work get BETTER so they dont stay AWAY!

Would love to catch up on a Tuesday sometime soon!

Take Care and HUGS!!

Jen H

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Greys Anatomy tonight and am hanging out for next weeks episode. If there is anyone out there who has a copy of the series please let me know.
Hope you find lots more things in your days to make you smile.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Jodii said...

where's day 3, 4 and 5 . I'm sure there were some things to be happy about on those days

1:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy happy happy, doing a little dance, la la la

There ya go. I made an idiot out of myself -- that should make you smile ! LOL

2:40 PM  

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