Bi yearly Phone Dilemma
WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL its come to that time of year
My contract is up and wellll I am itchin for a new phone... For no other reason other than cause I can.
so the choices I have ...
Well First Off
Do I?
What Phone company.... well let me see ... we have
Voda Phone
and Virgin
Hmmm let me c... I have been with telstra twice, Optus at the moment Vodaphone was another one I have been with ages ago and same with virgin... So looks like 3 it is ..
Right Next choice Do I wanna go
Cappped Plan
Normal Phone Contract or
Pre Paid
Hmmm thinking Capped is the way to go as I am cutting off the phone in Koo York and will just keep my mobile me thinks
Right Now My HUGEEEEEEE choice I need to make
U see I have ALWAYS been a Nokia Girl ... I have strayed twice ... But always gone back to good old Nokia.
Having Said that
I am Very tempted by the coooool Motarola V3x... which comes in... Yeah baby ... HOT PINK
and is free on a $29 cap... I have used my friends Phone which is the same and I am ... LOVIN it sick. It feels like a real phone It has an MP3 player a nd did I tell U its PINK
Or another phone I reckon is a little cute is
Sony Ericsson Z610i Just cause its Pink
Or the Nokia 6280 which a few of the girls at work have and Lov...
OHHHHHHH what is a girl to do ..
I attempted to go phone shopping this morning but ... after walking around for 10 mins and starting to feel like I was gonna pass out I thought it was time to come home... and Proceeded to sleep for a few hours... the Idea of Being HOME sick is to be HOME I guess. The Advil wore off Just after I got to the shops suppose its My Body's Way of telling me I should have stayed in bed ... Serves me right doesn't it
SO peoples....
Advice Please
My contract is up and wellll I am itchin for a new phone... For no other reason other than cause I can.
so the choices I have ...
Well First Off
Do I?
What Phone company.... well let me see ... we have
Voda Phone
and Virgin
Hmmm let me c... I have been with telstra twice, Optus at the moment Vodaphone was another one I have been with ages ago and same with virgin... So looks like 3 it is ..
Right Next choice Do I wanna go
Cappped Plan
Normal Phone Contract or
Pre Paid
Hmmm thinking Capped is the way to go as I am cutting off the phone in Koo York and will just keep my mobile me thinks
Right Now My HUGEEEEEEE choice I need to make
U see I have ALWAYS been a Nokia Girl ... I have strayed twice ... But always gone back to good old Nokia.
Having Said that
I am Very tempted by the coooool Motarola V3x... which comes in... Yeah baby ... HOT PINK
and is free on a $29 cap... I have used my friends Phone which is the same and I am ... LOVIN it sick. It feels like a real phone It has an MP3 player a nd did I tell U its PINK
Or another phone I reckon is a little cute is
Sony Ericsson Z610i Just cause its Pink
Or the Nokia 6280 which a few of the girls at work have and Lov...
OHHHHHHH what is a girl to do ..
I attempted to go phone shopping this morning but ... after walking around for 10 mins and starting to feel like I was gonna pass out I thought it was time to come home... and Proceeded to sleep for a few hours... the Idea of Being HOME sick is to be HOME I guess. The Advil wore off Just after I got to the shops suppose its My Body's Way of telling me I should have stayed in bed ... Serves me right doesn't it
SO peoples....
Advice Please
hey rach :o)
hope you're feeling better now!
we got new nokia phones (diff model to the one you are looking at) this year & lets just say NOT happy jan!!! hubbys phone had the lcd screen replaced after just 6 weeks & mine is now turning itself off (have had for about 6 months now)Also a friend got the nokia you are looking at & has had it replaced THREE times so far. Also apperentlty the bigger the screen the greater the chance of damage & the greater the cost to fix! Must say i think the sony looks real cute!!
good luck with it all!!
jody xx
Courtney has the pink Motorola and, while she basically loves it, it is dead after less than 6 months. Her last one died as well. Both times, it's been the screen. She looks after it fairly well but does use it an awful lot. Still, it should be sturdy enough to cope with such use I guess.
I've always been a big Nokia fan too, but I'm not one to really care what a phone looks like or what features it has (camera, mp3 player etc). Nicki has the hot pink motorola, and I do agree, they look quite sexy. She also got the hands free blue tooth thing (which is good, as she used to always drive and talk on her mobile, until she finally got booked by the police!)
Hi Rach
I have the pink motorola...and yes it is PRETTY....and PINK....LOL....but....I miss the fuctions of the my daggy old nokia!!
I would go the nokia.....
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