Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Me and My girl


I went to see the kids on the weekend and JEEEEEESUS have they grown. Can U believe she is stating grade Three this year. My god I remember taking her to 3 year old kinder and Now here she is off to grade 3.
I Always worry when I go to see the kids that they arnt going to love me any more... that oH yeah that's just rach that dickhead that used to look after us... we have a better nanny now...
But yeah they are all just stupid thoughts in my head. My darling kids love me just as much as they ever did. I get loads of cuddles lots of kisses and well I really feel the love. I am so proud of who these kids are and feel in a funny sorta of a way that I have had something to do with how cool they are. (well I hope so) they are really great kids.
as I was leaving Marcus says to me . "so do you think I can make an appointment for you to come back and see me again ?" He misses his Rach . we sat and talked for 5 hours about crap and it was just fantastic. The kids taught me how to play games on the playsation and we had a ball.
Missing them already :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEY!! You blogged!!
Are you serious - Grade 3!!! Wow!
So does that mean Marcus is Gr 1?? Double Wow!
Of course they still love their own Rach!!!
Jen H

5:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think it's a lovely pic !

Rach, they will always love you, and you've definately helped make them the people they are :)

9:07 AM  
Blogger Jodii said...

yes rach you finally blogged. You were such an important part of making them who they are. They will always love their rach

10:43 AM  

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