Sunday, April 29, 2007 we are in China

Day 1

WELL here we are In China ….

We arrived yesterday afternoon after an all night flight… that wasn’t too bad actually. Qantas have these cool TV screens in the back of your seats and there’s a selection of like 20 movies you can watch. I watched the Pursuit of happiness… (And K U were right … They did know about “THE SECRET”) It was a fantastic Movie…

THANKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK god Alex had arranged for someone to come and pick up from the airport, because I don’t think any of us were in the right frame of mind to figure out a way for us to get back to the hotel…

The drive from the airport was some what interesting; Pam was like a kid in a candy shop… OHHH look at this, look at that... Sitting there in the front taking pics of everything that went by. OHHH forgot to mention … This really spun me out. They drive on the other side of the road over here, I totally didn’t expect that and I have never been in a car they were “around the other way” Hopefully I can get a pic of it while we are over here.. The traffic over here is like nothing I have seen before. There is just an amazing amount of vehicles on the road. They dodge each other weave in and out and really drive like maniacs.

This is a pic of a quiet road …

This road I think would have been about 10 lanes wide and thank god had a bridge that went underneath it. I was freeking out just looking at it LMAO (I think you get the picture of how MAD and crazy it is over here.

OK what next… We were dropped of at the hotel and all went to our rooms for a nana nap and a chill out . I decided that I would go and find a supermarket so we could have something to eat. I went out and it took me a few mins to cross the first section of a road and went to cross the second section and I totally freeked out … so I decided that I wasn’t gonna venture out on my own until I felt more confidant with how to deal with the people and the traffic.

Day 2

After a full nights sleep we sat and chatted about where we would head off to today. We decided that we would walk up on of the main streets to check out the shops and then head down to the Forbidden City afterwards. We walked for hours checking out the different stores and markets. Some of which I think will remain some what scared in our minds.

(Here's a toilet story for you Wendy)

I have a Philosophy about traveling ….. No matter where in the world you go, If you go to Maccas you are usually guaranteed of 3 things, Somewhere where you aren’t gonna get food Poising from your food, somewhere clean to eat, and a clean toilet….. And 2 out of those things are probably right over here … while on our shopping trip this morning we called in at maccas for a Wee stop. Courtney went in and came out soon after with the FOWLEST look on her face and said there is NO way I am going in there…. Pam was saying to her …. Come on it can be that bad… WELL … Pam went and checked it out and this is what she found…. YES it was that bad… there is no way any of us would have gone in there ….

This is what we found…..

EWWWW NO WAY they have to have someone in there cleaning all the time cause people Pee all over the floor… ewwwwwww grosssssssss

We went to what was like China Town in Melbourne …. So much to see.. So many fantastic colors and things to buy … I will attach some pictures below . We did see one girl Aussie eating … COCKROACHES ….. that they put on a squire and BBQ for you … EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW all her friends were standing around her watching her and laughing at her am Pam said to her … OHHH that’s gross … ewww… I was nearly sick …

Here are a few pics from the shopping trip

We met up with the people from our tour this evening … they seem like a really fantastic bunch of people. ( You would kinda hope they would be because we will be spending the next nine days with them). There are people from the UK, Germany, New Zealand and the rest of us are from Australia. There is one lady Nicole …… She is very handy… LMAO she speaks Chinese…. I am thinking that we will make good use of her.. LMAO ….

Now on for day 3….

Day 3….

I am writing this all quick … (its actually day 4 at the moment and the girls are waiting for mem to finish this off so I can email it to Cindy to put up for U to read….)

OK day 3 … we went to the Great Wall of China today….. I think Pam also has some pics on her blog……..

I will add some more details later as they are waiting for me ….

Missing you all like crazy….

Signing off …. Rxoxoxo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow, Oh wow, Oh wow!!!
What an experience!!
The photos are fantastic!
Looking forward to more installments soon!
Jen H

11:43 AM  

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