HELLO every one ....
We are now...
Ummmm day 7 or 8 or something like that... here is China....
I have been thinking about what I can do in regard to uploading pics etc... and I think what i will do is when I get home ... I will do a Big post with everything on it ...
If you wanna see some of the pic's Pam has taken with her cam U can check out her blog by clicking on the link on the left hand side... She has loads of Pics pics for you to check out ...
Well what have we done ....
K we walked On the wall ...... FAN BLOODY
Walked across
Tianamin Square ... (its
Massive....... I had to ask Pam ... WHAT was it all about ) .... and Totally
embarrassed my self in doing so ....
LMAOSaw the
terracotta Warriors, and they are
Unbelievable . It was totally different to what I was expecting ... You walk in to what looks like a Huge
aeroplane hanger building. There is a barrier around the outside of a pit..... and you look over the edge and there are hundred of these
worriersWe also went on a Cannal ride in Shuzhu which was heaps of fun, went on a tuk tuk what was .... SO scary but had a blast....
We are now off to
Shanghai.... So I am gonna sign off for now but will hopefully be able to get on latter today
Got loads to tell you all