Am I lucky or what!!!
I was talking to my friend PP the other night and she reminded me I hadn't shared this on my blog yet... so here goes!!!!!
Well a few weeks a go ... I got a phone call of the Famous PP (Princess Pammie) saying to me ... Hey I am going to china .... Wanna come ... ? Well how could I turn down an offer like that... I have had the traveling bug for a while ... so with loads of saving ... we are off on the 24th of April for 10 days !!!! wow can u believe it ..... I am going over seas ....
10 days of hanging with Pam, Taking Photos, Picking her brain about her new Course she is doing in Photography, Traveling around seeing the culture and experiencing what life is like in China. I cant wait...
PP thanks so much for asking me along...
Stay tuned I am sure there will be loads of updates of out travels ...
Well a few weeks a go ... I got a phone call of the Famous PP (Princess Pammie) saying to me ... Hey I am going to china .... Wanna come ... ? Well how could I turn down an offer like that... I have had the traveling bug for a while ... so with loads of saving ... we are off on the 24th of April for 10 days !!!! wow can u believe it ..... I am going over seas ....
10 days of hanging with Pam, Taking Photos, Picking her brain about her new Course she is doing in Photography, Traveling around seeing the culture and experiencing what life is like in China. I cant wait...
PP thanks so much for asking me along...
Stay tuned I am sure there will be loads of updates of out travels ...