Monday, January 09, 2006


Well Yesterday was a big day ....
Started off with My friend Kathy's Barn Opening... She has Moved her business "Remember When scrapbook" Back Home as she was Out growing the warehouse she was in. Its a 2 story Quakers barn. One floor for the shop and the 2nd floor for her office and for us all to scrap in. It is Just fantastic. Pam Came Just as I was leaving. I did have some time to help her with the Balloons and a bit of streamers decorations . Then we surprised Kathy With a crown and a cake (thanks for supplying it all Pam)
There was Kathy, Sue, Jenni, Pam, Jude and Corey, Kirsty,Me and Kathy's fam. I did a Little scrapping B4 I left But was a great day


Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations Kathy !!

Hi to all the girls -- wow, look how big Corey is already !

9:04 AM  

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