Saturday, December 31, 2005


Out door setting
from grandma
constructed By Dad Pam and Rach

My Fasntastic Dining table

From Mum and Dad

Constrcuted By Dad and me

YEAH YEAH YEAH I know I am but hey it’s xmas.
And this is what I got off my fantastic family. Off Mum and dad I got this stunning dining table. PLUS 2 hours of dads time to help me construct it. THANKS so Much 2 U both. And then Off Grandma I got My UNREAL out door table and yet again a few hours of dads time to help put to together. It took 3 of Us…. Pam was here and has so many more brains about this stuff than me.. and Helped us to construct it… “PAM this is How it looks without all the white stuff” HE HE HE .

So as soon as I get organised here … I am gonna have people over for a BBQ Because I now have a GAS bottle … Sam and Denis gave it to me for Xmas .. Very cool …


Blogger Jodii said...

looks like you did really well for xmas rach you must have been a very good girl. love the xmas table

3:37 PM  

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