Sunday, November 27, 2005

Bad Bad Blogger

Well I am a BAD BAD Blogger. I han't blogged for ages... And thats really bad becasue it was theraputic reasons I sorta started this. I have had a shocker of a few weeks ... but luckly I feel like I am through the Yucky parts of it ... with only a few more Yuck bits to go ... then hopeflly will be smooth sailing from then. My Job finishes on the 9th of december so I have been madly looking for another job. I thought I was going to be cool with all this hapening But it has hit me harder than I thought it was going to.And along with it all I have been crooke with and a chest infection and a case of hayfever which has come outta somewhere (and I have never really had it like this B4) so all U girlies out there who suffer with it every season .... MAN I feel sorry for Ya ... Its Just EWWWWWWWWW. SO Yeah where am I up to.. I did manage to find a job in a childcare centre which is Pretty far from where I live ... about 40 mns But it will do until after xmas.

SO today Mum sam and I are all going for a girlie shopping day at chaddy... Should be a bloody fantastic day.. I am off to get a little Shut eye B4 we head out for the xmas crowds bright and early

sweet dreams


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