Sunday, November 06, 2005

Lazy Sunday Morning

wooo hooo well stuffing around last night I learnt a few things... But I'm still not happy with the format which my blog is in.... But still I just need to muck around with it a bit more

Here is my first attempt at adding a pic

This is a Pic I took of a friend of mine at the last getaway I went to ... And can I say I am a bit impressed with it ... I think it looks ace...
Lyn (as U can see) is Very close to having her first bub and she just looks fantastic ... (good Luck hon this has been a fantastic journey to follow with U.. and cant wait to meet your little bundle)

SO today what am I Up to ...
I have not long been outta bed and the carpet is still wet so I have the house open and Hopefully that will help to dry it out. Cause I am away all week I don't wanna leave the house shut up and have wet carpet.

I also need to do a bit of tidying up around here ... cause as I have Just discovered if U leave dishes in the sink ... well the dont wash them selves when you are away and infact they are there when you get back !!!!! So yeah I still have a bit to do ...

Had a fab time last night over at sues place for a bonfire...... we we got there it have just been lit... and we were all 10 meters away from it because it was so hot... but as the night wore on and the fire got smaller we got closer and closer and in the end I ended up standing in the pit to keep warm...
was a fab night I ended up getting cuddles from Bonnie for about an hour which was so nice and was good to keep me warm ... So Sue and Yoggi ... Thanks for an ace Night
Better get happening here


Blogger Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE this pic of Sue. Can't wait till you come and take pics of my preggy belly and the bubba when he/she/they arrive.

1:16 PM  

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